Thursday, February 11, 2010

In time for Valentine's Day - Nicholas Sparks' Dear John

I haven't read all of Nicholas Sparks' books, but I've read a lot of his early ones (The Notebook, A Walk to Remember, Message in a Bottle) and some newer ones (Nights in Rodanthe). Even though he writes just about the saddest stories one can imagine sometimes, he writes them about these characters that you cannot help but love. Sometimes one of the characters is lost in life and finds his way after finding love . . . but the character was essentially a good person anyway, if they are able to make a turn around like that. And yes, you usually cry your eyes out at the end because something so tragic happens, you can't fathom it.

Dear John begins with John, a soldier, finding love with a sweet college girl named Savannah. Without giving the plot of Dear John away, I feel like Nicholas Sparks veered from the formula. I was pissed at the book's end. He had a gorgeous story, full of hope and love, and then . . . the ending. Instead of crying, I wanted to rip the book up! Read this book if you think love is a crock, and you'll feel much better on Valentine's Day.

I'd love to hear your thoughts if you've read it . . . and I plan on seeing the movie. This is the first time I've ever hoped that a movie will not be exactly like the book!



  1. Agreed--I was annoyed with the ending! I do want to see the movie though. Did you read "The Last Song" yet?

  2. Haven't read "The Last Song" yet, but it's on my list! Hopefully it has a more agreeable ending.
