Sunday, September 27, 2009

The National Book Festival

My husband and I made the trek downtown for the Library of Congress' National Book Festival yesterday. Despite the constant rain, we were impressed by the show. There were huge tents set up on the National Mall, each one devoted to a genre. There was great concessions and a place to buy books from Barnes & Noble. We got to see Nicholas Sparks, David Baldacci and Judy Blume, to name a few. Judy Blume was one of our favorite speakers, as she opened the floor to questions after only ten minutes and devoted the rest of her speaking time to fans' queries. They had book signings by all 70 authors, though my husband and I agreed that a rainy day could be the worst day to get a book signed! We also picked up a lot of freebies like reusable bags and posters that I'll be able to use in my classroom. When we didn't have any authors that we were dying to see, we walked right across the street to the Museum of Natural History and saw the Hope Diamond (currently not in its setting and very impressive!) and a couple of other exhibits.

We are definitely planning on making this a yearly event - and hoping for better weather next year!


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