Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tuesday - Great Books = Great Gifts

Emily Post's Wedding Etiquette

Have a friend or family member who recently got engaged? Looking for a great engagement or shower gift? Emily Post's Wedding Etiquette: The Definitive Guide to Your Wedding Experience does not disappoint. Being a bride can carry huge responsibility, and this book will help brides remember to be gracious and kind . . . and not a bridezilla! Not only does it have every section imaginable, but she also answers some tricky questions like how best to deal with uncooperative in-laws or lazy wedding party members with nothing but tact. It's also updated to help out trickier situations like destination weddings or reception only affairs. It answers what role each person plays: bride, groom, maid of honor/best man, wedding party, family of the bride, family of the groom . . . and gives gentle reminders like when to send thank you notes and tip vendors. I bought quite a few wedding books when I was planning our wedding, and this one by far is the best.

[Photo: www.bestcelebrant.com]

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